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Why Tartaria?



“Tartaria” is the glimmer of an ancient memory. The ghost of a whisper that echoes in the far-off valleys of your mind; sweet and familiar words on a lover’s lips, in a perfect dream, pleading “…remember me… Remember how magnificent we were, living like gods in the Eden we ourselves built? Remember and come back to me…” You awaken and discover yourself forever changed. What was once the real world now appears as nothing more than a bad dream: an ugly, perverted mockery of reality where everything is turned upside down, twisted inside out, a theatre of the absurd produced by megalomaniacs. Once seen it can never be unseen.

 You carry that strange pain with you always, haunted by the knowledge that something has gone terribly wrong for humanity, something so vital now lost. You seek escape. There has to be more than this. What is the truth about who you truly are and your frightening potential they have so desperately hidden from you? We are a people with amnesia now forced to become quiet searchers, united in a quest to remember…

“Tartaria”, therefore, is simply a word, as good as any, to describe the act of “remembrance”. It is the exploration of the images, the concepts and visions glimpsed in those magical reveries that call us back to that other place, that better place, our fullest potential. Let the habit of personal excellence drive you forward and the resulting serenity make visible the faint footprints for you to follow back to your spiritual homeland.